Registration Process & Practices

Our Registration Committee would be happy to review applications from court reporters who obtained their education and training outside of the program offered by NAIT.  We are an association of stenographic reporters, and as such our Registration Committee would review applications from any Court Reporter having attained a diploma from an accredited court reporting program (writing machine shorthand at a minimum of 225 words per minute).


You can find the list of accredited schools here:


A transcript from such a school would be required upon application, and once reviewed and accepted by the Registration Committee, you would be granted the PSR(A) designation from the ASRA.


After one year as a Participating Member, you may then apply to become a Certified Shorthand Reporter after fulfilling the criteria below.

  • Provide the ASRA Registrar with a signed and dated letter of recommendation from a court reporting firm owner or supervising court reporter upon one year of practice as a court reporter.
  • Attend at least one ASRA-sponsored seminar or convention as a Participating ASRA member

Once you do attain your CSR(A) designation, you really are on your way! With the affordable $125 membership fee, not only will you proudly enjoy the CSR(A) designation, but you can also join your peers in maximizing your earning and learning potential at the semi-annual conferences and seminars hosted by the Association and earn Continuing Education Credits. Attending these professional development sessions ensures that you meet and share share experiences with other professionals and learn faster and better ways to succeed in your profession. CSR(A)s must attain 30 continuing Education Credits in three-year blocks to maintain their CRS(A) designation. A Continuing Education tracking form will be sent to you annually to help you keep track of the credits you have attained as a CSR(A).


Alternatively, if you have achieved your NCRA Registered Professional Reporter (RPR) designation, you will automatically be accepted without additional waiting time or requirements.


Reach out to the Registrar at registrar@asraonline and fill out the form supplied to apply.  Please allow us 3 months from the date of application for our Registration Committee to review and respond.  If your application is rejected, you will be notified in writing and given the chance to appeal.  If you wish to appeal, three ASRA board members will be chosen at random to make up that Appeal Committee.

Fair Registration Practices Act

Labour Mobility for Workers

Labour Mobility Act